The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.
The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) will be calculated in the following manner SGPA = CG / C for a semester, where C is Credit Point and G is Grade Point for the Course/ Subject.
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be calculated in the following manner CGPA = CG / C for all semesters taken together.
Passing 50% in each subject /Course combined Progressive Evaluation (PE)/Internal Evaluation and Semester-End/Final Evaluation(FE) examination taken together. i.e.(Internal plus External Examination).
Carry forward of marks in case of learner who fails in the Internal Assessment and/ or Semester-end examination in one or more subjects (whichever component the learner has failed although passing is on total marks).
1) A learner who PASSES in the Internal Examination but FAILS in the Semester-end Examination of the Course shall reappear for the Semester-End Examination of that Course. However his/her marks of the internal examinations shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.
2) A learner who PASSES in the Semester-end Examination but FAILS in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappear for the Internal Examination of that Course. However his/her marks of the Semester-End Examination shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.
3) A learner who fails in the practical component or job training will be required to repeat that component and pass in the examination conducted separately for that component.
The Scheme of Examination shall be divided into two components: Internal assessment and External assessment (semester end examination) for each course of the program. Internal Assessment includes Assignments, Seminars, Case Studies, Quizzes, Viva, Open book test, Unit Tests etc. For each course, there is a passing minimum for Internal Assessment as 40% (16 out of 40 marks), for External / Semester End Examination 40% (24 out of 60 marks) and overall 40% (40 out of 100 marks). The performance of the learner will be evaluated in each course in the following manner Internal assessment Semester end examination Total (for each course or head of passing) 40 % (16 out of 40 marks), for External / Semester End Examination 40% (24 out of 60 marks) and overall 40% (40 out of 100 marks)
The performance of the learner will be evaluated in each course in the following manner
Assessment |
Semester End Examination |
Total (for each course or head of passing) |
40% |
60% |
100% |
The internal assessment of 40 % for each course will be as follows:
- Mid Semester Examination – 20 Marks
- Quiz/Class discussion/Project/Seminar/Case Study/Presentation – 20 Marks
The semester end examination (external component) of 60% for each course will be as follows:
- Duration – 2 Hours
- Paper Pattern –
i) One question of 20 Marks is compulsory
ii) Any four to be attempted from remaining six questions of 10 Marks each
iii) Question No. 7 will have three options of five marks each. Students have to select any two out of the three.